Meghan was awoken by a splash of icy water on her face. As she awoke she felt momentarily confused: where was she? Then she felt the pain in her left foot, and remembered where she was, and the torture she had undergone. She
started to scream through her gag, before she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She tried to pull away, but it was
no us; she was still tightly bound.
“You can’t pass out yet, Meghan,” she heard the figure in the ski mask whisper in her ear. “We’ve only just started.”
Meghan moaned in anguish as the stranger moved to the foot of the bed, approaching her still-unharmed right foot. Her tormentor untied her ankle, keeping a firm grip on her leg so she couldn’t pull it away. As her knee was bent to rest her toes on the edge of the bed’s wooden footboard, Meghan started to cry, remembering the crushing of her left big toe. As if to confirm her fears, the black-clad figure picked up a hammer with her right hand, using her left to keep a steady grip on Meghan’s arch, holding the foot in place.
Without warning, the hammer was slammed onto her big toe, breaking the bones with an audible crunch, sending agony
shooting through Meghan’s toe and foot. Meghan started to feel sick. The hammer slammed down on her other toes, again and again sending lightning bolts of intense pain through her poor foot. Meghan screamed through her gag as each toe was broken. After the hammer slammed down on her pinky toe, there was a pause. The attacker still had a solid grip on her ankle, but her toes were, for the moment, untormented. Meghan gasped, trying to catch her breath, still unable to believe that all ten of her toes were now broken. Having never broken a bone before, she had never known such intense pain. As she silently considered her situation, she heard her torturer whisper, “You have beautiful feet, Meghan…even with all of your toes broken…”
Meghan looked up and saw the stranger kneel at the foot of the bed, the masked face moving toward her right foot.
As Meghan watched, her attacker began to suck on her broken big toe.
Meghan had had a boyfriend who had a foot fetish, and enjoyed sucking her toes. Although she initially found it weird, she had gotten used to it, and found it very erotic. Now, however, with her toe in so much pain, having her toe sucked was torturous; as she felt the warm toungue caressing the injured digit she screamed again at the agony it caused. The stranger began to suck each of her toes, one at a time, while Meghan writhed around in agony. While sucking on the third toe, the stranger suddenly bit down hard. Meghan saw stars as she felt the teeth on the crushed toe. The stranger continued to bite as she sucked Meghan’s smallest two toes, one at a time, and Meghan twitched in pain, screaming till her throat was raw, although her voice was almost inaudible through her gag.
Finally the figure in black stopped, and Meghan gasped in relief. She looked down at her feet and cringed. Swollen and crooked, she could barely even recognise the toes as her own; her left pinky toe still stuck out to the side, almost at a right angle. As if reading her thoughts, the masked figure moved to her left foot, grabbed the toe, and roughly yanked it into proper position (or nearly so). Once again, agony shot through Meghan’s poor, tortured pinky toe.
Only a second later, the masked figure grabbed all of Meghan’s toes, each hand grasping all of the toes of one of Meghan’s tortured feet. Meghan felt the hands squeeze her toes, whimpering with the fresh agony. Suddenly both hands pushed, bending back all of Meghan’s broken toes, while squeezing them still harder. The pain shooting through both feet was more intense than any Meghan had felt through her whole ordeal. The hands of her tormentor wrenched her injured toes back and forth for what seemed like hours, but it was only fifteen minutes later when Meghan once again passed out in agony…
Another splash of icy water and Meghan was awake again. This time she found herself in a basement. She was lying on the cold floor, and realised, as she gradually became aware of her surroundings, that she was no longer bound, gagged, or barefoot.
“Hello again,” whispered the now familiar black-masked torturer. “Now comes the part where you’re allowed to leave.”
Meghan, hearing this was thrilled. Finally, the torture was over; finally she could…
“But there’s one thing you need to do first.”
Meghan licked her lips nervously. “What’s that?”
“Dance for me.”
Meghan suddenly noticed for the first time that, though no longer barefoot, she was not wearing the sneakers she had on when she had been abducted. Her kinapper had gone through the backpack she had been carrying and found her pointe shoes, ballet slippers with squarish toes, designed for dancing on the toes. Meghan had done toe dancing for years in her Advanced Ballet courses; even with healthy feet, it could be painful. With her toes in their current condition, she couldn’t begin to imagine dancing at all, let alone on her toes.
“I…I can’t.” she stammered.
“You will,” the masked figure whispered. “Otherwise, you don’t leave here…and I might decide to break your legs, too.”
Meghan stared helplessly into the dark, angry eyes peering out from the ski mask.
“You will dance for ten minutes without stopping. If you can dance well enough, and can go the whole time without falling down, or screaming or crying out in pain, you’re free to go.”
“What…what if I can’t?” Meghan whimpered.
The stranger chuckled. “I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you. Now dance.”
Meghan nervously made her way to her feet and went up onto her toes. Unimaginable agony screamed through her feet. She began to dance on the tips of her tortured toes, each step making the pain more and more intense. She bit her lip to avoid crying out. Tears ran down her cheeks as she danced.
“This is boring!” came the raspy voice of her captor. “You’ll have to do better than that if you want to go home!”
Meghan danced faster, knowing that if she didn’t perform to her captor’s standards, she would not be released. She could feel the broken bones in her toes grinding together. The pain was maddening. But she knew she had to continue. She decided to try a pirouette, a turn on one foot. Hopefully it would impress her abductor. She lifted one leg and twirled around on her right foot. Having all of her weight on the tortured toes of one foot was more painful than she could have imagined; she could feel the crunch of the bones moving out of alignment. This, combined with the spinning motion of the turn threw her off balance. She could feel herself falling, almost as if in slow motion. She knew she couldn’t fall. Not if she wanted to leave. She tried to catch herself on her other foot, in desperation. Her weight came down heavily on the toes of her left foot, and the sudden impact of her broken toes against the floor was excruciatingly painful. She heard herself scream in pain, despite all her efforts to remain silent, as she continued to fall. All she was aware of was the intense agony burning in all of her toes, until she was mercifully knocked out when her head struck the cement floor.
To be continued…