Jen had been a dancer for as long as she could remember. She had been taking lessons since she was seven, and now, a sophomore in college, she was studying Dance. Among the other Dance majors, however, Jen wasn’t especially popular. She was quiet and introverted, and the other girls almost constantly made fun of her, mocking her tall (six foot) and skinny build,her bisexuality, her large (size 11) and narrow feet and long and slender toes, and mercilessly laughing at her every time she messed up a move in class. The ringleader of her tormentors was Meghan, a beautiful girl and brilliant dancer who knew how pretty and talented she was, and never let anyone forget it. She seemed, for some reason, intent on making Jen’s life a living hell, and was, by and large, successful.
The final straw had come during the recital at the end of the semester. As Jen waited in the wings for her ballet class’ routine to begin, Meghan’s tap class was finishing its performance. As Meghan exited the stage and passed Jen, she gave a quick stomp to Jen’s left foot, clad only in a ballet slipper. Jen felt a crunch in her toes as Meghan’s tap shoe slammed onto her foot; she found out later that her three smallest toes were broken, but not before she had to go onstage and perform with her ballet class, feeling the intense pain of the broken bones grinding together every time she went up on her toes. The pain was unreal, but she was somehow able to complete the routine without a hitch. As she hobbled offstage after her bows, she saw Meghan laughing cruelly at her. At the hospital, as the doctor painfully manipulated the broken bones into place and carefully splinted them, she decided that she would have her revenge someday; when she was through, Meghan would never dance again.
One night in the early spring, Jen had her chance. She hated her roommate, and spent a lot of lonely evenings wandering around campus to avoid her. As she walked down a dark path through the trees, she saw someone approaching her, with the wobbly walk of someone who’s been drinking. As the figure passed under a lamp post, she saw that it was Meghan. Drunk. And alone. She would never have another chance like this.
Meghan, trying (unsuccesfully) to find her way back to her dorm after a party, never saw what hit her. After Jen knocked her out with a quick blow to the head, she dragged Meghan to her car, and brought her to her parents’ house, now empty since her parents were visiting her aunt out of state.
When Meghan awoke, she found her self lying in a strange bed. Her hands were tied behind her back, and her ankles were tied to the posts at he foot of the bed, her legs spread apart. Her feet were bare. When she tried to cry out, she found that she was gagged. Then she noticed she was not alone; a tall figure in a black ski mask stood in the corner of the room. Meghan screamed, but only a mufled whimper came out.
Jen, underneath her mask, quietly admired Meghan’s feet. She was a fan of female feet in general, but Meghan’s size sevens might have been the finest pair of feet she had ever seen. She obviously took good care of them and had regular pedicures (her toenails were painted with a glittery lavender polish.), and had avoided any of the potentially disfiguring injuries that often plagued dancers.
Her luck wouldn’t continue, though.
As Jen admired Meghan’s feet, she lightly ran her finger across the surprisingly soft soles, around the ball
of her foot, under and between her perfect toes. They were neither too long or short, too bony or pudgy; they were perfect. Jen continued the tickling, briefly amusing herself with a game of “This Little Piggy” before increasing the intensity of the tickle torture. Meghan squirmed and thrashed around, muffled cries of distress coming from her gagged mouth. A few minutes later, she stopped; she had more important things to do. She kneeled at the head of the bed and whispered in Meghans’ ear.
“You have very pretty feet, Meghan. You better get one last look at them though; they won’t be the same when I’m through with them…”
Meghan’s eyes went wide in fear and panic as Jen slowly returned to the foot of the bed and picked up a pair of pliers lying there. She slowly went to Meghan’s left foot and gripped the cute little pinky toe with the pliers. Meghan started to panic as she felt the cold metal on her foot, and realised what was about to happen.
Jen squeezed Meghan’s little toe with the pliers, and started to twist it at the same time. Slowly at first, and then, with a sharp twist of the wrist, she broke the toe, the cracking of the bones audible to both girls. Jen continued to twist the toe with the pliers, listening to Meghan’s muffled screams as the broken bones scraped against each other. After a moment, she moved on to the next toe, and broke it the same way, followed by the middle toe.
Meghan closed her eyes tightly, trying to ignore the agony racing through her toes as they were broken one at a time by the masked stranger. She had heard the other dance students complain about the pain of broken toes, but this somehow seemed ten times worse than anything they had ever mentioned. As her second-biggest toe was broken, she screamed out in pain, even though the shout was all but inaudible through the gag she wore. As the pliers twisted the injured toe, the pain grew worse and worse, and she almost didn’t notice when the pliers finally relased the toe a moment later. She panted heavily, catching her breath during the pause in the torture. The masked stranger untied her left ankle, and for a brief moment Meghan thought the ordeal was over. But then the stranger set her foot down so that her toes were resting on the wooden board at the foot of the bed, and held her foot firmly in place. Maghan began to panic as the assailant picked up a hammer and lifted it over her head. Meghan closed her eyes, waiting for the hammer to fall. She felt nothing. After a quiet moment, she opened her eyes cautiously. Once she did, the hammer came down heavily. She watched, helpless, as it slammed onto her big toe, crushing the bones, sending a wave of pain through her
foot even worse than the pain of having her other toes broken. She began to sob as her ankle was once again firmly tied to the bed post.
Jen moved again toward Meghan’s head and whispered to her. “Did that hurt, Meghan?”
Meghan continued to cry as she nodded her head.
“Awwww…poor baby. We’ll stop the torture for a minute.”
Meghan sighed in relief. Then she heard another whisper.
“Let’s play a game. How about…”This Little Piggy”!”
This seemed odd to Meghan for a moment, but started to make sense as she saw her torturer move back to her left foot. She began to whimper and shake her head fearfully as she realised what was going to happen. She felt a thumb and index finger squeeze her big toe (hard!) and wiggle it back and forth as a voice hoarsely whispered, “This little piggy went to market…”
The feeling of her badly broken big toe being squeezed and wiggled by the stranger’s hand was unbelievably painful, more painful than Meghan could have imagined.
“This little piggy stayed home…”
As the voice spoke again, Meghan’s second toe was painfully squeezed. Instead of simply wiggling the toe back and forth, though, she felt it roughly bent forward, till the pad of her toe touched her sole, and then quickly stretched back, till the toenail touched the top of her foot. Feeling the broken bones moved around so roughly, in ways that toes shouldn’t even be able to bend, almost drove her mad. She had never felt such agony in her life, and only a fraction of a second later she felt her toe being sharply twisted, 180 degrees in each direction, sending fresh waves of intense pain through her body.
“this little piggy had roast beef…this little piggy had none…”
As her next two toes were similarly tortured, the pain in Meghan’s foot reached a whole new level. She no longer even knew where she was, what was happening, her mind was taken over completely by the pain, the worst she had ever felt, worse than any she could ever imagine. As the cruel torture paused for a moment, she looked up, and saw her attacker’s hand poised in anticipation over her pinky toe. As the cruel fingers painfully gripped the tiny toe, Meghan burst into tears again.
“and this little piggy…went wee, wee, wee, wee…”
As her pinky toe was quickly bent back and forth, twisted sharply in either direction, the pain almost drove her out of her mind.
“…all the way…home!”
ith the last word, her attacker yanked her pinky toe out to the side, bending it sharply till it was bent at nearly ninety degrees, perpendicular to the rest of her toes. With this alarming sight, and the sharp shock of pain that came with it, she finally passed out…
To be continued…