Foot Torture Archive
Guest Story: The Tragic Shoes – Part III
Posted on on October 4, 2013Via Castgirls Blog Serafina, leader of the dangerous Loco Mucho Loco Senoritas, has just laid eyes on history’s most fabulous shoes. She absolutely must have them. Sadly, her feet are […] -
The Dancers (Part 3) by Dr. Gimpy
Posted on on October 2, 2013Again, Meghan was yanked back to consciousness by an icy splash of water on her face. Again, the agony burning through her toes was excruciating; this time she also felt […] -
The Dancers (Part 2) by Dr. Gimpy
Posted on on October 2, 2013Meghan was awoken by a splash of icy water on her face. As she awoke she felt momentarily confused: where was she? Then she felt the pain in her left […] -
The Dancers (Part 1) by Dr. Gimpy
Posted on on October 2, 2013Jen had been a dancer for as long as she could remember. She had been taking lessons since she was seven, and now, a sophomore in college, she was studying […]