Elke, the original Bunion Queen had some amazing photos of her feet posted on The Bunion Museum. While that site is still partially up, we have re-posted them here along with Elke’s own commentary. We have also put each photo with its caption for your viewing pleasure.
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While making these images Alex had a lot of fun, he was tremendously turned on, in other words. Boong had the idea, to have Alex play with my toes…and I learned some more about them, how stiff they are, for example. Sometimes Alex had to hurt my feet; but I could deal with it. The imagination, that these pics are going to be seen by you and many other people, made my pain change into a feeling I would consider “painful lust”….:-)
Alex will add some comments here, he said it´s his absolute favorite photo series. So allow him to add some words, he wants to share with you his “animalic instinct hard core” thoughts…:-)
A09 – this is how I see my feet every morning, while oiling them with special lotion. It was nights, that´s why we had artificial light, it made the skin look very smooth and soft…
Here you can see, how strong my lesser toes push against the sole. If you have toes set like this for many years, sharp and hard toe edges develop. Due to the pushing of Alex´s thumb against my big toe, the second toe went across it (again).
A10 – ALEX HERE: I just love this pic, can´t describe you what kind of sexual feelings it causes in me. I go nuts just to have my hungry mouth on this wide forefoot, my nose between her sweet deformed toes. I love to smell the overwhelming, feminine and intimate fragrance under her lovely baby toe – it´s a mixture between a little leather, a little sweat, a little soap – and that certain, undescribeable fragrance a perfect woman has… I love to slide my tongue up and down her severe bunion, each time feeling the huge bulge of it. Still today – after twenty years of partnership – I sometimes sleep at the foot end of our bed, just to have Elke´s wonderful feet in my face all night long, holding both her feet tight in my hands until I sleep. Sometimes, when I awake in the middle of the night, I find myself having her sweet toes in my mouth, they sweat a little…And they have that certain look, feet and fingers have after taking a bath for an hour or so. She is still sleeping, and I start licking her toes and bunions so bad, that she starts wiggling her toes – while still sleeping. It´s just heaven – and I go crazy…
ELKE HERE: He doesn´t go crazy, he IS crazy. No further comments…. ;- D
A11 – Alex loves that pic too. He was pushing against my bunion and big toe, the second toe came across almost by itself. A strange, but interesting – maybe even fascinating look of my foot.
A12 – Alex again pointing my foot, pushing it together. My lesser toes are totally “irritated”. They go in different directions, although Alex didn´t touch them…amazing…
A13 & A14 – This is what I learned about my toes. Did you realize, that they remain in the exact position Alex got them in pic A12? The third and the baby toe became pins, holding the second and fourth toes, pushing hard against them. This was totally unvoluntarily!!! I didn´t force anything, couldn´t do anything against it. Only with the help of my fingers I was able to get out of this “toe clinch”.
SORRY, THIS IS ALEX AGAIN: I am temped to consider this two pics to be “Toe Art”, or “The Art Of Redesigned Toes”, to say it with the Commander´s words. Look at these two pics one by one, a few times in a row…ain´t there just fascinating? What a perfect beauty…I can´t get my eyes off them. Have to remind myself, that I got the REAL thing – Life, warm and living…
A15 & A16 – HI, ELKE AGAIN: These two pictures are especially made for our new friend, Denise. She happens to be the first woman in the message board, who is sexually turned on by deformed FEMALE feet. She has only one leg, she has a bunion and lightly hammertoes. She wants her foot to become like mine, and she uses my feet as a “model”.
This is indeed a very, very unusual and extraordinary fetish – but here at Boong´s she is among friends. We welcome you Denise!…:-) These two images are dedicated to you, hope you like them…
Yours – Elke –