Elke: Shoe Shopping

Posted Under: Photos

Elke, the original Bunion Queen had some amazing photos of her feet posted on The Bunion Museum. While that site is still partially up, we have re-posted them here along with Elke’s own commentary. We have also put each photo with its caption for your viewing pleasure.

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This was the first time Alex took some pictures of me in a regualr shoe shop. It was a challenge for both of us. We couldn´t prevent having people around us, I was asking Alex only to take pics if nobody sees it. But that was exactly what Alex first wanted, until he noticed, that is was not possible to capture both my feet AND staring people at the same pic. We had indeed some folks watching me, but you don´t see them, except for one pic. First I had a strange feeling, later it was fun somehow…


A01 – trying on some medium high slides. I bought them plus two extra soft sole inlets, to prevent the hard pressure against my lesser toes. You can see, as with new shoes, none of my toes are where they supposed to be. My left big toe is extremely angled, it looks as if it would already touch the 4th toe. The left bunion is yet extremely tight to the the toe box edge, that´s why it gets a tremendous push from the leather, forcing the big toe to angle even more. The length of the shoe fits perfectly, so I couldn´t have bought it a sizer bigger. My right big toe comes acroos the second toe, I didn´t even notice that before.


A02 – This pic is not sharp, but we selected it because of that young man standing there in the rear. He looked at me all the time, he was looking on his watch – maybe to make us think that he is waiting for someone…

Alex went away a few steps after each pic, for checking the camera, he didn´t want to be watched…As soon Alex was away, this man just passed me from the front side, so that he had a nice look at my naked feet. I should have asked him straight, if he wanted to pet my toes…:-)


A03 – Standing on my big toes, of course makes them look even more angled. I can´t help myself, but if I want to look sexy I always point my feet like this. Is it?…


A04 – I think this is the very first photo here where you don´t see any bunions or toes. I like the tan of my feet, especially the light brown, lightly pink heels and arches (is that the right word?). 
I somehow managed it to stand on my tiptoes for a few seconds, just for the pic. The floor was fairly soft though…


A05 – With a normal foot, in this perspective you would have seen all the lesser toes in their full length. But with me it´s different. Except for the second toe, all lesser toes are invisible, because their are so severly bent. When I entered the shop, I had nylons on. Only for the pics I took them off. Men seem to like this pose…while I was wearing on my nylons again, I had a few men watching me. It turned me on, this was my little show…


A06 – On our way home. Although Alex likes me to show off my feet and legs in public, he doesn´t like me to do what I´m doing right here. He says it´s dangerous, because I´m irritating other drivers. Indeed some drivers – mostly truck drivers – turn down their windows and whistle to me. But Alex is the one, who is mostly irritated. Sometimes he grabs one of my feet and bites in it. But I like to do this, because it´s real relaxation for my poor bunions and hammertoes. See that prominant corn on my left second toe? It was aching like hell. Oh, and there is a toe ring on my left baby toe, actually a toy ring for kids…


A07 – While Alex was asking me to point out my left foot, my left second toe came to cross my big toe, like on the older pics from “Req. Poses Vol.1”. I think you like this pic – bunions, tailor bunion, hammertoes and corns – it´s all there…:-)


A08 – Cramping my toes to curl under, bunions pushing against each other. I had to realize earlier, that I won´t be able anymore to set my feet TOGETHER, pressing against each other from heels to the big toes (I hope you know what I mean). If I have my heels and forefoot set together, my big toes will spread out in two different directions. There is no chance for me, to get them together in this certain position. If I got together the tips of my big toes, my heels would be far away from each other (even Alex didn´t know, how to explain it better in english, we couldn´t find our dictionary…)

Can´t wait to hear your responses. PLEASE RESPOND IN THE MESSAGE BOARD, so that I know that these pics were seen…
Yours – Elke –

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